Platform & CRM Solution

Application Platform & Customer Relationship Management (CRM)


Our solution leverages the most robust and scalable CRM in the industry - Our application is built natively on the platform and allows you to tie in other business components via the AppEchange.  Whether you are looking to implement our bundled solution, leverage individual products, or use our core application and build your own customized solution - HippoFish and Salesforce can deliver the complete business solution your facility and staff deserve.


Individual Products | Bundled Product

Individual Products

Point of Sale & Inventory Management


HIppoFish POS & Inventory Management allows you to sell and keep track of your your retail product, purchases and payments directly with Salesforce.  Know your customers purchase habits and better target them for future purchases.  Get tight control over your on-hand inventory, bulk update inventory and detail on your best and worst selling products via our POS & Inventory Management solution. 


Class, Enrollment and Event Reservation


Create and schedule classes and recurring sessions with HippoFish.  Associate instructors, rooms and other resources to your classes and manage class size and capacity.  Allow your customers to pre-purchase and reserve sessions online directly through your website.


Facility Management


Manage the rooms, physical resources and activity areas in your facility with the utmost ease.  Associate these facilities with specific classes or events and ensure that you don't overbook your classes or events.  All fully integrated to provide you with a clear picture of your space and its level of utilization.


Document e-Signature & Waivers


Capture agreements and waivers from your customer associated directly with the customer contact.  Allow your customers to sign agreements from anywhere in the world.  Simplify your options and eliminate paper through HippoFish's Document e-Signature module.


Gift Card & Alternate Card-based Payments


Allow your customers to purchase Gift Cards online or load up physical cards in-store.  An excellent source of advanced revenue for your business. Utilize our integrated barcode scanner to quickly execute transactions on your gift cards.


e-Commerce & Customer Portal 


HippoFish allows your customers the ability to reserve space in your facility or to make advanced product purchases.  Leverage the power of HippoFish e-Commerce and reduce the number of reservation staff needed to book and reserve space in your facility.


Individual Products | Bundled Product

Product Bundle

HippoFish LaunchPad

Take advantage of the full HippoFish product family under one bundled product called HippoFish LaunchPad.  The bundle includes the following components:

  • Point of Sale & Inventory Management
  • Class, Enrollment and Event Reservation

  • Facility Management

  • Document e-Signature & Waivers

  • Gift Card & Alternate Card-based Payments

  • e-Commerce & Customer Portal